Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 8 - Blue Fuzzy Robe

Is it really day 8 already? Well, time to up the ante. We're going for 10 minutes of exercise everyday from here on out. Yes! TEN WHOLE MINUTES!!

I actually did about 20 today. Was trying to think of how to prevent arthritis, and the Internet says gentle, but regular, exercise is one of the keys. The Internet is so smart.

Let's see, today turned on the Pandora, did a bit of wiggling around, some of my regular calisthenics including deep breathing, and then more jogging around in the house and 50 jumping jacks. This was all good. I actually sweated. And I tried a bit of downward dog, gently. I'm mostly worried about arthritis in my hands and arm joints, not sure if downward dog is the best way to treat, but it made sense to try some weight bearing exercises.

I seem to be needing about 10 hours of sleep. I can't tell if this is because I really need 10, or because I get woken up in the middle of the night by the resident mouse. So I have to tell a somewhat gruesome story about the mouse. I have a sneaking suspicion that this mouse is, in fact, the mouse that stole one of my snap trap mouse traps - the kind that snaps the mouse on the back or head and kills them instantly. (I believe this is the most humane mouse trap. And, no, I don't believe in releasing the buggers miles away from the house. That is self-defeating.) A month or so ago, I put out some traps, and a few days later, one of them...disappeared. A few days after the disappearance, I would sometimes hear this really loud clattering noise in different parts of the house. I didn't link it to the mouse right away, but later, after I heard this very loud clattering around for the fourth or so time, I was convinced it was the mouse trap stealer, dragging the trap around inside the walls of my house.

OK, to clarify, my guess is that the trap was snapped shut on the mouse's tail or paw, and it somehow managed to drag it up from the basement floor, up the stone walls of the basement, then vertically up some duct or pipe passageway in a wall, into the plenum of the second floor. Somehow, it freed itself from the trap, and now, struck mad from the trauma of tangling with a snap trap, it runs around (inside the walls of) the house at regular 3 hour intervals starting around 11pm with a maniacal gleam in its eye, chewing things. It is a loud and crazy mouse. I wish it would go for a nice chunk of peanut butter on one of several traps and put me and it out of our collective misery.

Today I am extremely grateful for my blue fuzzy robe. I had been living in coldness without this robe for a few years, and getting progressively sadder, about a variety of problematic things, not the least of which was being cold in the winter. The various other problems served to distract from addressing this fundamental issue, and I was so deep in feeling bad that I did not connect the dots to see that being cold only made the feeling bad about the other things even worse, and vice versa. It took professional help to realize that in the priority of problems, the first one was that I wasn't taking care of my body very well at all, and I had a deep, child-like need to be taken care of that wasn't being met. The situation before the fuzzy robe could be described by painting a picture of a little orphan wearing rags, whose cries for help were not being heard. When I finally understood that it was my job to take care of the little orphan, and what she wanted and needed the most was a fuzzy robe...well, the day we found my fuzzy robe for under $20 was a watershed day. The robe reminds me that sometimes, feeling better is a relatively simple matter, eating, resting, being warm, turning on a light, tuning in to what your body is telling you.

This fuzzy robe is super soft, easily worn over sweats or pajamas, has collar that can be pulled up tight, a belt and pockets, and it is very warm. It not only warms me up quickly, but helps me keep the heat down in the house to conserve energy and keep the bills down. Most importantly, it just feels great. Did I mention that it's blue, super soft and fuzzy?

That's the name of this game, feeling good, better, and great. Peace and blessings.


  1. wow. I love this.

    I'm amazed that you can do those humane mouse traps. I think I would just try the snap traps and let it go at that. on the other hand, too, I would probably try to starve them like crazy. Actually, I have no idea what I'd do, because it is true, I do not know what I would do about a mouse in my house, much less multiple mice in my house. Maybe I would try to build a small house in my backyard for the mice and put food in it to lure them there, but that could backfire. I don't know.

    the name of the game is indeed feeling good better and great. I
    did my exercise for the day, too.

    I have to get back to you on the grateful thing.. I'm blanking for the moment.
    oh, I know. I am grateful I live so close to work. I am grateful I can walk to work and that I can run home if I want to.. I let it get to me and think oh it takes so long, but really it doesn't.. and I forget that the walk can be a break and it might help clear my mind.. I get stuck so easily, so it is good to remember that really I have it pretty good. I can walk to work and back multiple times in a day without much trouble. I am grateful also that I can choose things. Choices are actually good. I can choose to change myself and my habits. I can change the way I think. I am grateful that this is how the human body is built and designed.. that our cells divide and multiply and that they give us the chance to change and to adapt, to make new connections, build new habits, and that we are given the responsibility and the right to choose who we are, who we will become, and what we will do with ourselves. This is pretty nifty actually.

  2. That is the way to think! Having choices opens up our lives. It's really critical to hold on to that thought. Sometimes I find choices overwhelming, but usually, by using the "what would be good for me and make me feel better" is a good guiding principle to making choices.

    Yay, exercise!!
