Sunday, June 27, 2010

IDEA: digital privacy

I read this and want to puke.

Please, somebody make this privacy service! Make it so that I can buy it.

So, the world is moving inexorably towards digital, computerized everything. (The world from from the Matrix is coming!) Well, I want a way to effectively create a blank, dummy profile in the digital world so that no marketer, no person, no corporation, no one can figure out who I am and what my preferences for anything are. LEAVE ME ALONE! My private preferences for what brand of anything I want remain a mystery to all except me.

So how would this work?
The goal is that every time I go online to do anything, including shopping at Amazon, browsing websites, my internet identity gets a random mask, but different every single time. It happens before I get onto even a supposedly secure site, like with banks and financial institution websites. Whoever is generating that mask for me doesn't know who I am because there's a double blind - two layers of masking throughout the interaction. I'm sure people are doing this already somewhere, but give me a service, or make it a law. I don't really care which because I think it's wrong to give marketers any sort of edge on me. I'm not convinced the current economic system actually works anyway.

Not using Internet services is less and less an option. Not using the internet means falling behind technologically, and unless I win the lottery, I won't be able to compete in the world without using technology. Does this piss me off? Yes.

grumble grumble grumble


  1. No - that's the point. I want to be able to use this stuff, but under a double blind to protect my privacy. This is important because I don't want to live in a world that has skewed over into control by marketers. There is a future in which one day marketers track everything about you, and know more about you than your spouse or anyone else. I hope I'm not alone in hoping to kill that future.

  2. I agree with Anonymous. Big brother has too many eyes as it is, peeking into private places merely to profit from those of us who prefer not to live in a transparent virtual (and increasingly, actual) universe. Privacy is an inextricable part of democracy and freedom.
