Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Great quotes

People have been saying some awesome things recently. Just a quick sample:

From a Washington Post article about Supreme Court Justices and technology:

This is Chief Justice John Roberts speaking to Justice Scalia as he tries to understand text-messaging in the context of a public employee privacy case before the court .

"I thought, you know, you push a button; it goes right to the other thing," Roberts said. Responded Justice Antonin Scalia: "You mean it doesn't go right to the other thing?"

From Scott Adams in the Wall Street Journal:

"The primary purpose of management is to kill any hope that staying in your current job will work out for you. ...The last thing this world needs is a bunch of dopey-happy workers who can't stop humning and grinning. The economy needs hamster-brained sociopaths in management to drive down the opportunity cost of entrepreneurship. Luckily, we're blessed with an ample supply."

I'll be looking for more to add here.

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