Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Modifying Goals

So it gets light, like, at 6 am these days. So when do I wake up? Yeah.

I think I'm only confirming my human vs. outerspace alien status when I say that I seem to be waking up earlier the older I get. Nuts. Not a teenager anymore...

So I think I need a different goal to track....there are plenty to try but the question is, to what end? Spanish? Chinese? Nature photography? One economics book per week? Hmm...at least one book a week for a year? How about that? And write about it in blog. OK, not super original, but worthy. Very worthy.

Topics to consider: economics, sustainability, psychology, history, architecture...Social sciences generally is a good, attractive idea, but given that I have a bit of a hardcore streak, I'm thinking hard science. Engineering, materials science. Hmm. Will have to mull over this. To start, however, I will plan to finish Gregory Zuckerman's "The Greatest Trade Ever" by the end of this week, and blog about it.

This habit-making business is great. I'm waking up early, walking every day, and feeding my brain regularly. I think personal networking will also be an important goal. Because as has been oft written about, people need people.

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