Monday, November 9, 2009

Good friends

Sometimes I'm surprised at what quality people some of my friends are. It's not that I don't think they all have great qualities, but sometimes they come out and surprise me with something really good, and it feels like someone just gave me a totally cool present.

I just got a call today from one K. and she made a lot of unsolicited, but incredibly insightful comments about me and my current situation. It helps that she worked at my old firm and has been in similar positions as I have in the past, but we don't talk super often. In fact, we probably talk at the most, once a month. Her comments just spun my head around a bit, but in a good way, so I'm off now to think about them, but I note here that of all the things to thank the universe for tonight, it's friendship.

May we all have great ones.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. I'm with you a hundred percent. I have a good friend MC who does similarly good deeds for me. It's so soul-feeding.
