Saturday, November 14, 2009

IDEA: An electronic Notebook, with pages.

A computer (tablet PC, netbook type thing, Kindle type device) that is actually like a notebook?
Something you can flip through the pages, and the pages are not unlike a scrapbook, except you can organize the files, bookmarked webpages, excel sheets, word docs, pdfs, sticky notes, calendar, etc. by date, subject, alphabetically, category...

The Kindle is probably the closest thing to this, but can it go farther? And it might as well have a phone on it and a USB connection for freak's sake.

How do you organize all your myriad ideas?


  1. evergreen is an online service to organize things.. I've used microsoftonenote on a notebook laptop that was pretty much as close to what you're talking about as I've ever seen..
    but mostly I rely on google.. google docs, spreadsheets, email, task list, calendar, contacts, etc. that keeps most of my needs in line...
    I had papercalendars from franklin covey for abouttwo or threeyears.. i liked those.. but found many days where i didn'tuse them and given the cost it didn't seem worthwhile to me..
    what are your needs.. and are you on a computer often?

  2. Yes - I understand google is a good way to do this, but I'd like a way that wasn't out on someone else's server for the most part. i will check out evergreen and msonenote.
    The thing about a kindle-like device is that if it were designed properly, it might be the best thing for carrying around. On the one hand, a great place for organizing your schedule, and also reminding you of pertinent ideas and ways you want to pursue those ideas.

    This blog is, in effect, a notebook for me to dash off ideas that I think would be useful to me, both in terms of hardware and general notes on things that I would like to track. Obviously, using an electronic device could make this faster and easier to cross-reference. Hopefully, the product would be more creatively rich, more cross-references spawning a better implementation of ideas. That's the wish, anyhow.

  3. Sorry, that was "a dedicated electronic device" - and here's where a really sweet design would kick in. Something I can carry around that's about the size of a kindle, but what would be super cool is a way to actually get a couple pages - physical pages, at least two. So maybe the kindle gets more like a notebook. ...hmm, now I gotta get on the internet and search to see where people have gotten in making this device. Surely, someone is thinking about it.
