Friday, November 6, 2009

IDEA: Listen up Lowe's or Home Depot.

You walk in the store. There are sparrows dive bombing right above the second shelf of lawn mowers. The fluorescent lights are sharp and if I were a migraine sufferer, I'd feel one coming on.

When you go into these warehouses-turned-into-a-retail-store (just barely), it's almost always a disorienting experience. Why does it have to be this way?

Why can I not get onto the store's website, locate the items I need for my little Home Renovation project, select those items and print them out in a handy little shopping list with the locations of each of those items? Ordered numerically by row and bin? Hello?! Anyone at the Way Too Big Box Store paying attention to the IKEA model?

Could it be that difficult? Could it be so hard to set up a system that gives customers the inventory at their fingertips, makes for an efficient and non-frustrating shopping experience, and oh by the way, this is cool, they really do help me improve my life, and therefore, I no longer reluctantly pull myself into the store?

And a map - for gosh sake's. How about a map of the store really close to the entrance???

By the way, forget about the salespeople helping you find stuff. They are hit or miss. Usually miss.

1 comment:

  1. I think you could email this to corporate at Home Depot.. it would be a good idea.. use the form towards the bottom of this link

    fill in as much as you want to and paste most of your message on this post into the mesasage box.
    break it up into several messages if you need to.
    but send it in.

    you never know.. you might change the way they do business and change the quality of life for those of us who are do it yourself-ers.

    speak up.
    let your voice and thoughts be heard.
