Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 10 - ways of communicating

Day 10! Woohoo! Woke up, did some visualizations and breathing exercises in bed, then went straight away to exercising in my pjs and blue fuzzy robe.

The visualizations were along the lines of meditating and bringing healing energy into parts of my body that hurt. Breathing exercises were part of the meditation, to notice breath, use exhalation forcefully, and a couple other interesting breath exercises courtesy of Andrew Weil.

Exercising was 10 minutes of walking around the house and up and down the stairs. Then light stretching and gentle movement before commencing calisthenics. And rounding it all out was another 5 minute jogging spree around the house. It was good.

The book I'm reading by Andrew Weil is called Spontaneous Healing, published in 1995. There are several recommendations I'm taking up including visualization and breathing exercises. It will take a few months, I'm sure, before any results will show up, but at the very least, I do feel that I have some tools with which to fight.

There are many things to be thankful for, not least of which is the sunshine today. But I thought I'd venture into more sophisticated waters and talk about technology. I am grateful for technology because it makes certain things easier and faster, but the greatest reason I am thankful for technology is because it connects me as easily as I want to other people. I'm not excited about Facebook because it's rather too public and too personal at the same time for my tastes. I understand you can control some of the information on there, but I'm perfectly happy with calling people, emailing, and seeing people in person . Actually, the being with people in person is the mode par excellence, in my opinion.

Anyway, we take it all for granted now, cellphones, computers, and satellites, and sometimes, we might think it too much, that in fact, there is too much connectivity. But I think, regardless of the responsibility we have to use these devices wisely, the pleasure and good they confer is great.


  1. I was down last night because I thought I did a good job on my talk and apparently I did a really bad job.. so bad in fact my boss said he was disappointed in me. sad. then i went and xercised and thoght about what he said and decided that i can do better.
    so score one for the exercise habit.

  2. Hope he gave you a concrete set of things you can improve on. May have to coax that out of him. But yesh, exercise!! Protect your core, help yourself do better.
