Monday, January 11, 2010


Going to try something very simple. Set a couple of habits.

Habit 1: I've fallen off the exercise wagon - in fact, the exercise wagon is over in the next next state - but I recognize the dire need to get back on. So with a group of very simple exercises I can do at home, I'm going to try and get myself into the habit of doing them every day for about 5 minutes for 30 days.

Yes, 5 measly minutes.

I can do that. In fact, I did it this morning. I'm going to use this blog as a way to chart progress. Today's 5 minutes or so of exercise ended with about a minute or less of jogging in place. I was out of breath and uncomfortable. Also did a few jumping jacks which also left me out of breath. But my heart rate was definitely up!

Habit 2: Be thankful about 1 or a few things every day. Really think on and feel grateful for those things.

Today I am grateful for my family. Even though they are very imperfect people, they love me, and I love them. Love is one of the greatest things on earth. I'm especially grateful that we love each other in spite of our imperfections and failings. There is a certain depressive element within my family, but this doesn't stop us from deeply caring about each other and trying to help each other. Despite the depression, there are core lovable qualities about each of us. I'm so grateful for those things.

(Did you notice the hidden habit no. 3? Write in blog every day....blah!!)


  1. I am grateful for you. I am grateful I live in a nice apartment, even if it is too cold and messy. I am grateful that I am loved. I am grateful I have friends. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful that I have a working comptuer and internet. I am grateful that I still have two legs, two arms, two eyes, and most of me that physically works. I am grateful that I have an active imagination. Today I am imagining that I am an actress in a movie about a super fabulously hardworking and successful female scientist. heehee. I'm hoping it motivates me to work... becuase if you're acting work, you might actually be working.
    I am grateful also that my friend andrew introduced me to Dale Carnegie's books. I've decided that if I read these books over and over and over again... even get them on tape and listen to them over and over and over again I will brainwash myself into being happy and all that.

    I am planning to exercise today too. don't know if that will happen, but i will try.

  2. I checked the blog and realized I don't get automatic notification of comments. But anyway, thanks for commenting!!

    5 minutes of exercise, you can do that right? Five minutes, just get up, stomp around a bit, wiggle your extremities a little bit, wiggle your butt, then you're done for the day. It's not a lot, but the whole point is to get into a habit. It's so little, very achievable, no?
