Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 15 - Space Heaters and Vegetarian restaurants

Oy! Last night played violin for too long, really pushed it with the elbows and knees (standing). Not sure what I was thinking, except that sometimes my need to reconnect with past excellence overtakes common sense. Not quite well enough to tackle recovering my former violin skills glory...sigh.

So, this morning took some Aleve to alleviate pain in finger joints and elbows. Did ok for most of the day. Also ate at a local vegetarian joint for lunch, good food, but not what I normally would eat - had cornmeal-crusted tempeh. Temp-eh? Tempeh is a little weird - it's fermented soybeans. Weird!?! Also had a piece of vegan coconut cake where the frosting was made from silken tofu. It was very very tasty. Even my friend who doesn't like coconut thought so. I don't know that I really believe it was good for you, though, in terms of fat and sugar.

What am I grateful for today? Besides silken tofu coconut frosting on vegan cake? My space heater. I love my space heater - fan-driven electric heat. It's quiet, compact, and it works. It doesn't rotate anymore, but that's ok. I have two of them, and they're workhorses, they're quiet, and they deliver heat to the places I need it. Especially the one under my desk, I find it really warms me up, even when I have the house set to 55 deg. F. I believe this particular model is made by Holmes, and I got one at Target and one at Home Depot, fairly cheaply. So thanks to the people who engineered up this little gem and remembered those of us who like our personal machines to be quiet.

Also, I am grateful for funky vegetarian restaurants. There ought to be more of them. Even though some of the food options still aren't the best tasting or as cheap as one might want them to be, it's nice to go somewhere to eat and know that your hosts care about what goes into your body.

I promise to do some exercising later tonight, cross my heart.

OK, did it, total of about 10-15 minutes calisthenics, breathing, and just a wee bit of jogging in place. Not much, didn't break a sweat, but the key word here is consistency! It's Day 15!!

1 comment:

  1. yes, I have that kind of feeling you have about veggie restaurants about places that have good seating. I hate sitting in chairs that make my back and neck hurt.

    Friday night I got really depressed and I haven't recovered yet. it seems to be getting bad, so I'm struggling to pull msyelf back together again.

    I'm grateful you're there.
    I keep trying to do my exercises. so far I only do about 5 minutes of them since Tuesdayish

    I will work on raising the amount. meow.
