Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 7 - Jazz

5 minutes of dancing to excellent R&B, courtesy of Pandora radio led to several more minutes of jogging in place and jumping jacks. Of all the ways I know of to jumpstart exercise, dancing to your favorite music is the best. Not only is dancing pleasurable and simple (especially in your own living room with curtains drawn, or not, clothing optional), you instinctively use a cross-pattern with your arms and legs: when the left arm goes out, the right leg goes out in the opposite direction, and vice versa. This pattern is inherent in many of the things we bipedal humans do - walking and running, and dancing. To quote Andrew Weil "this type of movement generates electrical activity in the brain that has a harmonizing influence on the whole central nervous system."

What am I grateful for today? Jazz. R&B. That great intersection of rhythms and harmonies and instrumentation that produces a swinging of the hips, a snap in the fingers and a tap in the foot. I actually don't know very much about the genre, only having dabbled in listening to a few fundamental building blocks like Ella and Miles Davis. But what I know is that listening to jazz artists, there is a terrific energy and tempo that matches modern life. Jazz doesn't give you the gigantic swelling forces of nature that classical symphonies do, and obviously, the instrumentation gives you a completely different frame of reference, but classical never gives you such sultry, taffy-like bon-bons the way the jazz repertoire does.

And only jazz completes a dark nightclub with glasses of golden colored liquid and coolly dressed people with a warm, smooth, and relaxed atmosphere. Yummy.

1 comment:

  1. ok, I did my exercise for today. thanks for the encouragement.

    today I am thankful for my degree from P. for the urgings of mom and dad to excel that lead me there.. for the pushings to work hard and to think and to care.. and to perform... for the promise that the degree reminds me of of what I can and can still accomplish if I put my mind to it.
    and for the fact (one I forget often, but that I remembered today) that going to P still opens doors... and that being part of that network is still something I have on my side no matter how many times I get sad and feel like I have nothing and when the naysayers within pull me down with grumblings galore I remember on a day like this that I still have more than I think I have.. that I still have riches in my hands and to my name... and that I can't and won't give up, because I have these things and if I am willing to get up and fight I have a chance. I always have a chance.., that sometimes the battle is more often to be won in one's own mind than on the field. and whenever I forget.. i need only dance to upbeat rockapella music for ten minutes straight to remember.. there is still life in me yet. I have not yet run my course. I am still here and I am still a fighter.
    *hugs* and love.. I miss you
