Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 9 - Exercise

Did not require Pandora's services to get going, although was grumpily in pain upon waking up this morning. I really don't think it's my bed. It's soft, but I have a hard board underneath the mattress, so there's good support. Maybe it was the chocolate I had last night? Two small pieces. who knows? Not sure I care.

The remedy was some gentle stretching while reading news this morning, then while I was on hold with the unemployment benefits people, I started in on my regular exercise routine. It's simple simple simple, but it works some muscles, gets motion in all parts of the body, and the jogging around the house at the end really feels like you're doing something. Today I did 5 minutes of jogging and 60 jumping jacks, for a total of 20 full minutes of exercise. After which, I truly felt better. The pains aren't all gone, but at least facing this dreary day isn't quite so onerous.

I should remark that the exercise routine involves some deep breathing, which, if you're at all dehydrated, you should begin first by drinking some warm liquids to soothe your respiratory passages.

So I'm grateful for being able to exercise. I really am. It's in every single health recommendation there is, I'm sure it's even in the bible. (If not, let me know.) And for every single disease, exercise is a possible prevention or cure. For me, it's an antidote to the depressive tendencies that come from a genetic disposition, being unemployed, and living in an area that I will not use profanity to describe in this blog. But I could.

Exercise is about your body. Your body supports all the other functions you have. As fungerbils alluded to before, the body is an amazing thing, all that it does. You know those comic book heroes that have amazing regenerative abilities? Well, we already have that superpower...maybe we don't heal in minutes, but we heal from sickness and injury and we keep going. In Haiti, they pulled out a UN worked from rubble that he had been under for five days, no food and water. To ignore the everyday miracle of our bodies is regrettable. Today, I'm celebrating my body and its incredible regenerative healing properties. Love it, respect it, treat it well. Exercise.


  1. The strangest thing about today, since I'm very sleep deprived today, was how often my inner child needed to be reassured. I love myself. I take good care of myself. I let go. I am happy. I am going to just keep pushing along with mywork due tomorrow at 11am. I'll have to get sleep tonight,b ecuase I'll be a blithering idiot making the presentaiton if I don't.. and thereis still so much left to do. There's a conscious inner fight I'm aware of where one side says push push push and achieve and the other side says, why bother? For so long, I gave into the latter voice and now with these new habits I keep pushing to defeat that voice now. I will overcome. I will achieve again. I will have and do and be all I want to be and was meant to be and have the potential to be... by sheer dint of willpower? maybe.

  2. It's important to reach for goals, but part of this emphasis on exercising is that it is of paramount important to be good to your body. People do have varying levels of health and energy. You have to pay attention to what your body requires in order to have a life worth living. Achievements are all well and good, but health is king.

  3. Yeah, my AT teacher and my friend M are also trying to convince me of this... that it matters most and that in fact other things fall in place if I can get my eating , sleeping, exercising, etc. together. It's just very tough for me to do that.. and to also solidify in my mind that this is a real priority.
