Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 2 - The Volvo 850 & Animal Tracks

Oy vey. It turns out not only do I have to exercise, but I have to not consume alcohol. Argh.

So I did my 5 minutes of exercise today, which actually was more like 20 although it was in fits and starts. Needed to do a lot more stretching for the aches and pains. I woke up way too early because my back was hurting.... God, how unreal is that? Waking up because of back pain. That's so wrong. But I think the real culprit was the fact that I had a tiny, but strong (and expensive) mug of hot buttered rum last night. Hot buttered rum, by the way, doesn't taste like the candy. Not that I can remember exactly what the candy tasted like - all I can tell you is that it's not the same. The beverage is tasty and has the added merit of being rather exotic to me, but I probably shouldn't have had it. Alcohol is, after all, toxic to the body, and this body doesn't need any more harm sent its way.

Fortunately, we're not on habit number 4 yet, which is cutting out all crap food from my diet, which I'm ramping up to. One word: beans.

What am I grateful for today (besides not yet being on Habit 4)? I was contemplating a few things last night. 1) my car - the wonderful, awesome, beloved, trustworthy, and mighty steed, the Volvo 850. Me and my '93 Volvo, we've been together for 13 years...it always gets me there and back, with no fuss, no drama. On balance, I think such a trust-filled relationship of any sort for that length of time is not that easy to come by. I am hopeful that the Volvo and I will make it through another few years to reach its 250,000 mile day. The question is, how does one honor a friend who is a machine? Regular oil changes and cleanings? It will be an emotional day the day the Volvo and I are no longer a team...

The second thing is animal tracks in snow...Cat, dog, deer, and probably a raccoon. Also have seen little tracks with a tail, probably mice. The cat tracks crack me up, I don't know why. Maybe because they seem so dainty and single minded in the snow. And cats are generally funny.


  1. Hmm, tracks in the snow are definitely cute. and no hot buttered rum is not good for you. In fact, it is probably a seriously bad idea.
    and yes, I am grateful for your car also.
    I have always loved that car and love you as well.. and love you two as a team. It is by far one of my favorite of favorite of cars. It is a shame that Volvo isn't making them anymore, because if I could choose a car for myself, I would choose a car like that.
    sigh meow

    i am thankful today for my clothes. I am so glad in this weather to have clothes. to have clothes I like. and to be able to wear them and whichever ones I please. I am grateful I can be brightly colored or darkly colored and that I have inherited several pieces I like tremendously -velvety fawn colored pants and nice fitting jeans. I am grateful for my clothes.

    I am also grateful for a small one day reprieve. I have a presentation I had to present tomorrow that isn't done yet and I have another day to work on it still, it has to be done by Thursday 1pm, so I am going to go to bed at a decent hour tonight so I can think reasonably well to work on it tomorrow. I am sooo tired today.

    I will also try to get myself to exercise today. I did exercise last night.

  2. V:
    Five minutes of exercise - you could incorporate it into folding clothes...
    Dance around for five minutes while you're waiting for water to boil.
    Do it!!

    Hmmm. :)

  3. I dids it. last night I exercised.
